That one skill is the reason some people achieve incredible results with incredible ease whereas other languish burning the midnight oil producing miserable results.
And YES, I will reveal that skill to you, here!!
But before we get to that skill, let me ask you a few questions…
I’m Dr Marc Dussault, creator of Get The Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort and I’m excited to share this revolutionary learning system with you.
Get The Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort is a unique collection of the most powerful learning techniques to help you out-smart, out-strategize and out-think your competition and reach your most audacious business goals faster and easier than you ever thought possible!
It will help you do all these…you just need to add time!
Get the Best Business Results with the Least Amount of Effort is a priceless collection of proven tips, tools and techniques to turn you into a super-achiever.
Gone are the days when you could put in a good effort and expect a good reward. Today you must do simple, out-of-the-ordinary things to get extra-ordinary results.
That means you need to think and act differently from the rest
The biggest investment you can make today to have the best, long-term impact on your business is in your and your staff’s brainpower. It’s your ability to assimilate, learn and digest large chunks of information quickly that could make or break your business.
And that’s the skill. The skill you could soon have
Today you can have any information on any subject—usually tons of information. So the ONLY competitive advantage you possess over your competition is sitting right between your ears. By becoming a SUPER-LEARNER you could become unbeatable.
Get The Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort will show you exactly step-by-step how you can achieve any goals you set for yourself with ease.
“Get The Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort” contains a step-by-step formula to help you squeeze the most out of each and every day and shape your destiny for success while enjoying every minute of it.
It’s a proven system to save you from drowning in never-ending To Do lists, or getting swamped by feelings of overwhelm or overload.
As you can see, Get the Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort is a comprehensive system to finally put YOU in control of your business and life.
Sure you can find a ton of material on peak performance and learning strategies on the Internet, but you will never find anything that comes even close to Get The Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort”. That’s because it’s not about intellectual stimulation but about helping you become the best you can be without turning into a workaholic.
Just in case the above wasn’t enough here is a more detailed breakdown of the tools, techniques, strategies and resources contained in Get The Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort:
You’ll learn:
I completed a 4-year Engineering Degree, which takes many students 5 years to complete, in 3 years with two specializations (majors), not just one.
While I was doing my MBA AND Ph.D. on a full-time basis, as the founder of my own start-up company, I used Exponential Marketing Strategies, with no money down, to build my service company 3 times faster, with double the industry average sales per employee, with a fraction of the industry's employee attrition rate WHILE consistently producing twice the profitability of my competitors – graduating with honors!
When I moved to Australia, I completed a thesis for a Doctorate in Business Administration Degree in 3 months—a process that takes even the most committed academic nerd at least 12, if not 24, months to write. My thesis was accepted by two external examiners ‘as presented’—a rare accomplishment at this most elite level of academic performance. By the way, my 500-page thesis included more than 1,200 references, 46 summary tables, 19 figures and 8 whopping appendices. The file size was so big; Microsoft Word kept crashing forcing me to put the Appendices in a separate file!
Recently, while I worked for a global software vendor, I leveraged the SAME strategies to produce prospecting results 30 times greater than the company's norms with the same closing (conversion) ratios as my contemporaries in other regions of the world, growing the business more than 50% per year while I completed a post graduate law degree with a specialization in taxation, superannuation and asset protection, completing it with ‘distinction’ in less than one year without a single work colleague being aware of my extra-curricular academic activities.
Simple. I am the LIVING EXAMPLE this stuff works under the most unusual, demanding and excruciating circumstances.
I could never have achieved those outcomes without tried and tested, bulletproof strategies that produce exponential results—BOTH as a student (learner) and business person (entrepreneur).
"This book system contains deceptively simple, yet powerful distinctions that enabled me to focus on the things that matters most to me at any given moment, helping me advance my career with a lot less stress. Essentially, it helps to reduce the mind clutter that is inevitable in this age of information deluge. My only wish is that I had known these strategies when I started my career!"
Ruben Putrananda
Procurement Analyst
"Out of all the books that I have in my personal library, I think there must be about ninety to a hundred I consider 'must haves.' For me, "How to get the best business results with the least amount of effort" is in the Top 10. I call this book my unfair advantage 'cheat sheet' simply because it helps me, as the title says – learn new skills in less time and with less effort. I believe that there is no point cramming your head with new information unless you have a SYSTEM that makes it work in your life and business. The book has helped me to understand how to take any raw piece of information and turn it into CASH without getting sucked into the paralysis analysis quicksand. I must have read it cover-to-cover more than 3 times by now and each time I have learned new distinctions - Highly recommended!"
Daniel Lizurek
Founder & Director
Fast Profits
Victoria, Australia
"After I read this book, I finally decided to fire my boss and get another job. I increased my base salary by $10,000 and now have an incentive plan that will reward me for the sales I make. At the rate I'm going, 90 days into my new role, I'm on track to double what I made last year – Thanks Marc, I never woulda made the jump without your tips!"
Asked to be kept anonymous for obvious reasons
When you purchase Get the Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort you’ll receive my original guide, Get the Best Grades With the Least Amount of Effort with the valuable Addendum that puts the SYSTEM into a BUSINESS context so you can apply it in your business easily and quickly.
As I mentioned earlier, you have to think differently from the rest and that means doing out-of-the-ordinary things to get extraordinary results.
Become a SUPER-LEARNER to learn the business skills you need to STOP gambling with your business and adopt a proven short cut for success.
Let me be blunt and to the point: If you think this is just for high school and uni students, you just don’t get it. By the time you realise you’ve become obsolete, it’ll probably be too late to save your career or business. Here’s the thing that is the most shocking. More than 80% of American college graduates admit to never reading another book following graduation.
So IF you don’t get what this is all about – you’ve got company. The unemployment lines in the US right now are filled with people who have no clue how unqualified they are. They are totally and utterly unprepared and it gets worse.
They don’t have the skills to re-align themselves so they are stuck with no place to go.
Now, let me be clear. I don’t rejoice in other people’s misery. I have done everything I can to help AVOID this by publishing my accelerated learning strategies that have been sold to thousands from more than 30 countries and my bestselling study book has been translated into 4 languages, soon 5.
But I can’t do it for them – or for you. You have to want this for yourself and/or you family.
![]() English |
![]() French |
![]() Polish |
![]() Romanian |
![]() Chinese |
That proves without a doubt how effective these GUARANTEED strategies are. You don't even need to a native English speaker to use them! That many people can't be wrong...
As a limited time bonus, I'll also give you access to all the tips, tools and techniques on one A4/8.5x11" sheet so you have INSTANT ACCESS to the content of the whole book!
I'll also send you one DETAILED full-color MindMap of EACH Chapter every week for 10 weeks.
Each MindMap will help reinforce every single strategy, allowing you to recall and apply it with little or no effort.
With the advent of the Information Age came the need to process more data and information than ever before. That means we have to read 3 to 5 times more than our parents did. That’s where the next component of the system comes in.
Learn the "speed study" secrets you were nevertaught in school that will slash your worktime in half and boost your results beyond what you ever imagined you could achieve...
As a business person you need to process constantly evolving reams of information.
But with so much to read, so much to learn—and so much to do in the 24 hours we each have in a day—how do you do it?
In this 61-minute recording, I reveal my personal strategies to help you get the best results in with the least amount of effort.
Instead of reading a stack of books to teach you how to better understand another stack of books, the Speed Learning video program allows you to learn from the comfort of your home as you follow the training in REAL TIME.
The strategies that I use are difficult to explain on paper but come to life on video and are an absolute MUST to help you unleash your full potential and get the best possible results.
Best of all, the results start to kick in immediately... slashing hours off your work week... freeing you up to spend more time closing the big deals, drumming up new business or getting home at a reasonable time (for once).
Now, there are other quick learning materials out there - you may have seen some of them already. What separates the Speed Learning video Program from anything else is that the video format allows you to see immediate benefits by following the training in REAL TIME. That means you LEARN to LEARN while the video is playing - INSTANTLY, right then and there.
Forget ‘information overload’—sometimes it seems there aren’t enough hours in the day to read barely enough of the information you need!
As a business professional trying to keep up with the latest industry trends, the time it takes to read all of that important material can eat mighty chunks out of your social life, business building activities, family time and … let’s face it … SLEEP time.
My Speed Reading Video Seminar is THE learning resource that will give you the in business simply because of the masses of information you’ll be able to read, comprehend and retain in less time than your peers or competitors.
Speed Reading is a skill you can easily learn. I've personally taught it to over 1,000 people, ranging from 10-year-old elementary school kids to 65-year-old businessmen.
If you’re in business, you know that in order to keep pace with the competition you need to be well informed, up to date and ready for change along with the times.
Now, if you’re above average, your reading speed is about 200-300 words per minute right now.
If you knew how to speed read, you would finish a standard 300-page book 5 HOURS FASTER than you do now.
And here’s the best bit…
Using the Speed Reading Video Seminar, you can double your reading speed within 24 hours with equal or better comprehension.
I absolutely guarantee it. In fact, if it doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll refund every cent.
Average Reader |
Speed Reader |
Words Per Minute |
200-300 |
600-1,200 |
Comprehension |
Needs to re-read the same text several times |
Reduced need to re-read, if required with new material, does it FASTER |
Memory recall |
Poor due to lack of focus and attention due to the long time it takes to read |
Excellent BECAUSE of laser-like focus for short periods of time |
Boring and Banal Material |
Puts you to sleep |
Get it over and done with quickly |
Technical Documents |
Can’t get to the core issues without losing focus |
Get to the central points quickly to understand them better |
Dyslexic People |
Struggle to read - avoid it as much as possible |
Proven to improve reading speed by 200 to 500%. |
Lazy Readers |
Read half as much as they should |
Read everything they should because they are 2 to 3 times faster |
Achievers |
Read instead of going out with friends |
Can still get top results AND have a social life |
Mature Readers |
Get inundated with pre-requisite material they need to read to get the background to the current material - always struggling to keep up |
Get through the background material in a fraction of the time to focus on learning the new, most important stuff! |
Athletes |
Usually don’t get good grades because they spend so much time training for their sport |
Can get through ALL their reading material WITHOUT compromising their athletic performance |
Business People |
Usually skim and skip their reading material - often missing key principles |
Can not only read ALL their material, but save valuable time so they can focus on what's important - APPLYING what they are reading to their job or with their clients |
Good question! After all, you’d think that if you read a book at twice or three times your current speed, your comprehension would go DOWN.
Well, that may be true if you read the way you were taught in school.
You see, most readers are handicapped by poor reading habits that force them to read at 'speaking speed' rather than 'thinking speed'.
At school, people are taught to 'speak' words in their mind as they read, and to pick out one word at a time.
That’s painfully slow for your brain.
As a result, your mind wanders, regresses and loses concentration.
You know what it’s like—you flip through the pages, but then have no idea what you've just read.
Using the accelerated learning techniques I teach in my Speed Reading Video Seminar, you'll be astonished by how easy it is to become a 'Speed Reader' yourself. And your comprehension, memory and recall will increase too!
As a speed reader, your experience will be heightened and increased to the point where you will FEEL like you're in the BOOK or story - it'll be so vivid, it'll seem like a movie is playing inside your head - in REAL TIME because you can read as fast as it's happening with NO TIME DELAY. How cool is that?
There are a lot of Speed Reading products on the Internet. Some are not bad while others could see you “handicapped” for life by teaching techniques that simply don’t work.
Some systems even require you to attend a whole day workshop.
And because this course is in VIDEO format, you will SEE the techniques in action, enabling you to follow along and carry out the exercises in ‘real time’ just as though you were right there in the room with me.
Here are just some of the things you'll learn in this fast-paced, No B.S. Video Seminar:
MindMapping has been around for decades, but until now, it's been focused on the concept rather than the "how to do it". With Master MindMapping artist Paul Telling, this video program teaches you, step-by-step, the art and science of MindMapping To Get Better Grades.
The first step in the process is understand WHY MindMapping is so effective as a study technique for people who want to remember more when it comes to using that information, in a client meeting or important presentation.
We are all visually stimulated, to varying degrees – when we embellish and enhance visual cues from our class notes, we are able to remember more for longer periods.
This video program is filmed using time-lapse photography compressing the time it takes to view as well as accelerating your skill acquisition. You can rewind and replay as often as you wish and need, but the first time you take the video program course, you'll recognise that the FAST PACE doesn't waste any valuable time. This is important because this program is all about leveraging your time and talent to get you the best grades as fast as possible.
MindMapping is a must for busy people who are time starved and need to get as much done in the shortest time possible.
How To MindMap To Get Better Grades teaches you how to start drawing right away within the first 5 minutes so that you don't get self-conscious about how your first MindMaps look. Within 1 hour, you'll be amazed at how creative you really are AND how effective MindMapping is as a note taking strategy.
Included in this unique program are 10 video modules accompanied by the Full Colour MindMaps used in the filming of the course, PowerPoint Slides and PDF files of the process. So you have all the components you need to practice and review until you too become a Master MindMapper!
In his classic book on wealth and success, Think And Grow Rich (1937), Dr Napoleon Hill interviewed the wealthiest and most powerful men and women of the day in order to unlock their success secrets.
Figures like:
(Plus another 500 or so more, over a 20 year period...)
And one of the most intriguing conclusions Hill came to, after over 20 years of research, was that:
Now I know what you might be thinking -- "Of course they don't. Most wealthy people start with family connections, a trust fund or a lavish inheritance they can fall back on."
The intriguing part is, Dr Hill found that was NOT the case. Most of the great men and women he interviewed didn't come from "money". They didn't have a trust fund or inheritance to get them started. Many even started from a position of total poverty.
But what they did understand is the importance of collaborating with other high achievers on an on-going basis to fill, complement and supplement their knowledge gaps and make "quantum leaps" of insight and value creation that would have been not just difficult but impossible on their own.
In other words, they understood the unique value of being part of a "Mastermind" Group.
If you've ever wondered how people like Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and Steve Jobs got to be so rich, famous and successful, it's because they too have developed a "brains trust" or MasterMind Group that they regularly leverage to whip the pants off their competition.
They're not necessarily smarter than you and me, but they have access to and take full advantage of the MasterMind Principle on an on-going basis -- while most people don't even know what a MasterMind Group is!
These Peak Performers DO what most people never get around to doing and so produce results that most people can only dream of.
Dr Napoleon Hill explained in Think and Grow Rich that a MasterMind is a unique concept that leverages the collective power of the group, creating a 'Third Mind'
A third mind that asks and answers questions you didn't know you needed to ask to solve problems and overcome challenges you didn't know you were about to face!
What would happen to your results in any area of your life (wealth, finances, career, relationships etc.) if the top 3 things holding you back were instantly and miraculously removed from your path?
I know it sounds bold and extreme, but just think about it for a few seconds...
What three obstacles are preventing you from achieving your career and business goals as well as your ultimate financial freedom?
Whatever those obstacles are, IF and I mean IF, they were instantly and magically removed, would it make a tiny or HUGE difference in your ability to achieve those goals?
IF removing your top 3 obstacles would made a difference and help you achieve your goals, keep reading because you might not know that....
Nearly every great achievement or massive fortune in history has been the product of a team of minds united in achieving the same, pre-defined goal - a MasterMind Group.
The American Declaration of Independence was the result of a MasterMind Group.
So was man's first powered flight.
So was man's first flight into space and subsequently the moon.
The MasterMind Group principle is simply stated as No two minds ever come together without creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.
No matter where you're right now in your business or career it takes just one step to move forward. I call it your Next Best Step™.
The question is which step do you take?
A MasterMind Group will become YOUR secret weapon, giving you the edge that has been missing, so you always know what your Next Best Step™ is.
You know you need an Exponential MasterMind Group if you:
Tony Robbins coined the phrase: Compressing Decades into Days. Simply put, by mixing with the right people you can extract and steal their best-kept secrets that took them decades to master and deploy them in your business RIGHT NOW!
But here's the thing.
Who are these wealth creation and business-building angels and why the heck are they going to help you?
That's the million-dollar question that I answer in this ground-breaking program that I call the Exponential MasterMind™ Program.
This easy-to-read reference will guide you to selecting the right MasterMind Group Members, planning and orchestrating meetings to fully exploit the powers of a variety of different types of MasterMind Groups.
It's a must-have for anyone who is serious about getting a MasterMind Group up and running quickly and properly.
It's fills the "HOW-TO" gap left by Dr Hill in Think And Grow Rich and makes creating MasterMind Groups real, actionable and applicable to the modern entrepreneur or professional.
In this valuable reference guide you'll learn:
Once you've tapped into the limitless power of an Exponential MasterMind Group, you'll wonder how you ever managed without one.
This unassuming book took over 150 hours of research to gather, collate and assemble more than 60 separate references from around the world (documented over the last 80 years) to take Dr Napoleon Hill's MasterMind concept to the next - Exponential level.
If you’re an ambitious business-owner or an entrepreneur, you’ve probably read tons of material, business books, attended business seminars and workshops ...
Obviously, the key is NOT to read more books. What you need is a proven SYSTEM so you can intelligently channel everything you have learned and mastered so far.
This program, which has special, hand-picked components to give you exactly what you need has no comparison. I’ve invested the time to ask myself what you need RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.
I PERSONALLY keep using these tried and true techniques on a daily basis.
And you want the fastest, proven, tried & tested way to take you there, get your hands on Get the Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort right now!
It’s what you wish you had 20 years ago... Make up for lost time NOW.
We often make our businesses (and lives) more complicated than they need to be. This disarmingly easy-to-read book with its simple-to-apply learning strategies will make you a much better executive or entrepreneur, by empowering you to learn infinitely more quickly than your competitors!
The ideas, techniques and strategies took over 20 years, reading over 800 books, attending seminars, workshops and meeting exceptional people who are producing exponential results.
I developed and perfected a highly predictable system, an IDIOT-PROOF BLUEPRINT that anyone can follow and be successful. You can have it all in the next 2 minutes and it’s proven to work with a 100% money-back guarantee.
You see, you don’t have to turn into an academic but you must become a SUPER-LEARNER quickly if you want to out-smart, out-strategize and out-think the new breed of competition.
Considering the value and the results you’ll get THIS WEEK from applying the simple strategies clearly outlined in Get The Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort I could have easily put a $1000 price tag—especially since it can make you tens of thousands of dollars and SAVE you 5-7 hours each week—guaranteed!
However I realize, that you might be a hard-working and struggling business owner, or an entrepreneur battling to keep your head above water, already inundated with the everyday costs of running your business.
So, I’ve decided to offer the complete Get The Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort guide for this one-time-only promotional price of just $99.95.
"There are lots of good and simple ideas in this book. There is one thing I applied straight away that made a massive difference for me. I now keep swipe files to collect information I may need in the future to build case studies, create new marketing campaigns or have something to give to clients that is relevant to them. I used get a little deflated when thinking, I really should have a document that has all the info in one place, a document I can give to my clients. But where do I start and how long will it take to get all the info together? Now I have a swipe file handy with the info. It's the idea of planning ahead with a longer decision making horizon as Marc calls it that really changed things for me. It takes away the overwhelm I used to feel. As a result of the tips I learnt in this book, I feel more empowered and things actually get done. As I said, so simple and yet so effective!"
Yvonne McIntosh
At the start of the year, I had what seemed to me a long list of New Year's Resolutions that included maintaining my normal law practice as a barrister and mediator, being a foundation member of a virtual web-based platform to provide national mediator and arbitrator services, writing a book I am under contract to write examining what success really means to top flight lawyers, studying Internet and business exponential marketing strategies with Dr. Marc Dussault as one of his elite Diamond Members, learning how to purchase virtual real estate (existing websites) and then improve them to increase revenue as well as their asset value, setting up a brand new business venture with a joint venture partner and last but not least of course being a loving husband to my wife and an attentive father to my kids while still finding enough time to exercise and take care of my health, fitness and wellbeing.
I had to find a way to manage all of this… And I did!
In April, I purchased Dr. Dussault's best-selling e-book "Get the Best Business Results with the Least Amount of Effort". It immediately helped me set the right priorities, allocating my time effectively across all my different projects to get them started and most importantly completed on time and on budget.
This book is easy to read and is designed for the busy business executive or professional. When you adopt this 'mindset', as Marc calls it, you'll accomplish more with less stress, less disorganisation, more efficiency and more self-satisfaction."
Chris Whitelaw
Barrister, Mediator, Internet Entrepreneur
It’s simple. Get the book. USE it for 8 weeks. If you feel it cannot make your life SIMPLER, EASIER and less STRESSFUL, if you are not a better entrepreneur as a result—a SUPER-LEARNER, a SUPER-ACHIEVER; if it doesn’t make you feel unstoppable, simply send me an email and I’ll send you your money back—no questions asked, no hard feelings.
You simply can’t lose. The only way you can lose is if you continue doing the same ‘ole, same ‘ole in your business and expect different results. That doesn’t work no matter how hard you try.
I know the strategies in Get the Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort” WORK.
Make the decision to START YOUR transformation to unleash the Genius within You—TODAY!
You have nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
The Exponential Growth Strategist
When you buy “Get the Best Business Results With the Least Amount of Effort” you’ll automatically be subscribed to my Exponential Mindset Thinking™ bonuses.
If you have any pre-purchase questions that aren't answered on this website, email me at info [~at~] speedstudyforbusiness . com and I will get back to you with an answer.